3 Wonderful Free Drawing course Sketch portraits using simple techniques

1- For Free you get:

    7 HD video lessons with anytime, anywhere access
    Close-up instruction with renowned artist Patricia Watwood
    Downloadable class materials that include supplies, resources and step-by-step images of figure drawings
    Answers and critiques from your classmates in our virtual classroom

Capture the human form with realistic and expressive energy in this FREE class! Renowned artist Patricia Watwood leads you through the simple steps to create a striking figure study.

Master figure drawing as you learn classical techniques for rendering from live models! With Watwood’s guidance, you’ll progress from a simple block-in sketch to a gestural drawing to a polished piece with depth and dimension. Learn how to set up and light a live model, and how to use graphite pencil and simple angles to create an accurate outline for any figure. Add life-like energy as you incorporate gestural lines, then carve out the form with hatching, shading and highlighting techniques. As a bonus, Watwood will show you how to create custom toned papers to add a unique touch to your work.

2-For Free you get:

    4 HD video lessons with anytime, anywhere access
    Class materials, including resource lists and tips for working with models
    Detailed and close-up instruction
    Answers from your fellow classmates in our virtual classroom
Draw Better Portraits
Consistently sketch faces with a striking resemblance to your subject. In these FREE lessons from renowned artist Gary Faigin, you'll learn to create a block-in sketch that maps the shapes and patterns of your subject's face in accurate proportion. As you draw, you'll create "placeholders" for each facial feature, so you know their exact position, size and relationship to each other. Continue with tips for refining the details of the mouth, eye sockets, chin and the base of the nose. Then, succeed at capturing the nuances of anyone's eyes by breaking them down into a series of simple shapes. Find out how to draw realistic faces, and create portraits that look just like your subject!

3-For Free you get:

 5 HD video lessons with anytime, anywhere access

Downloadable class materials, including reference images and supplies

 Hours of up-close instruction

 Answers from other students in our virtual classroom

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